Drinking and working

The piano has been drinking…not me.

There have been many famous drunks that thrived on the odd hot toddy to drive there creative juices, Ernest Hemingway principal amongst them. I, unfortunately have never really been able to make that combination work. My creative juices work best when I’m at my most lucid. I spent a day yesterday working in the garden.. It was quiet, on a weekday there is very little ambient noise to interrupt me, so I just worked. Happily.

So it’s time for a period during not drinking again. It’s always easier to do when there’s absolutely no money in the bank or in my pocket. Even if that’s cheating.

I have an incentive this time. Financially, my world is crumble around me but I’m fighting back. I’m developing plans for the business and it feels like I’m getting somewhere. So why would I sabotage that? Quite.

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